





依个人拙见,根据驾考新规定(下称 “新规”)的特点驾校要做好的工作是“三加强”和“两推进”。“三加强”指的是:加强理论教学、加强学员基本功训练、加强教练员培训与管理;“两推进”指的是:推进新教学方法的制定、推进对在训学员的培训。
According to the individual opinion, according to the new regulations (hereinafter referred to as "the regulations") driving characteristics of the driving school to work is the "three step" and "two advance". The "three step" refers to: strengthen the theoretical teaching, strengthening students' basic skills training, strengthen the training and management; "two promote" refers to: the new teaching method in training students to develop, promote the training.

Strengthen theoretical teaching
"New regulations" test driving school's first pass is "theoretical teaching."". For a long time, the theory of teaching or "driving the name" or just talk "questions" and "skills" and students practice teaching. So, students rely on "back question bank" through the subjects of a safe and civilized driving common sense exam phenomenon is very common.
Although the examination question bank has been increasing continuously, it has already broken through thousands of questions, but the examination qualification rate has been "high"". "New regulations" adjusted the content and proportion of theoretical examination questions, and highlighted the assessment of safe and civilized driving, typical illegal behavior, cognition and so on. As a result, examination questions must change. The new question bank can not be announced in advance, and if you do not conduct a comprehensive theoretical study, it is really unknown whether you can pass the exam by "back question bank".
If the subject of a qualified rate declined sharply, the number of students will make three of the two subjects and subjects is greatly reduced, on the one hand "unemployed coaches" were significantly increased, their income will receive a significant effect; on the other hand, driving school training costs will also increase. Therefore, the driving school should start the theoretical class according to the requirements of the syllabus and the supporting teaching materials "safe driving from here", and organize the theoretical teaching instead of "teaching by item bank"".

Strengthen the basic training of trainees
Architecture view tells us that the house should start from foundation, foundation more solid house is more firm, the foundation is not solid house is dangerous. The quality of teaching is also true. If basic training is not done well, the basic skills of students are poor, and mistakes in examinations are unavoidable. Teaching rules also tell us: students driving behavior should be rigid, curing, optimization process, students driving skills can gradually be formed, which also conforms to the "quantitative change caused by qualitative change" of scientific facts.
In accordance with the requirements of the syllabus, the actual hours of study for C1 type driving are 40 hours (4 hours of simulation), and the hours can be increased if necessary. If students practice time has reached the required period, when taking the exam, grasp the nature of the said. But some driving schools do not seriously implement the "Syllabus", the hours are not enough, students driving behavior will not reach the optimization stage. Some school, a dozen students in a car one day training, students also felt a few of the steering wheel, this training mode, can let students driving action to stay in the curing stage and even rigid phase, the qualified rate is low in the end is normal. Therefore, the time required for training students to achieve "qualitative change" is long enough to lay the foundation for adapting to the new regulations.

Strengthen the management of coaches
A good worker must benefit from his work". In response to the "new regulations" test, the driving school must improve the teaching ability of coaches. Therefore, the driving school must train, train and assess the coaches.
1. train coaches
Study on "new regulations" coaches need to strengthen and improve the teaching methods, such as theory of teaching improvement, how to use the two gear driving through a curve; on the road driving training, how to according to the requirements of the "turn key" teaching methods, according to the study of compiling new teaching plan. Organizing coaches to study and understand the new regulations, contents and requirements, and new lesson plans.
2. supervise and evaluate the teaching work of the coaches
"New regulations" forced driving school to strengthen supervision and assessment of coaches teaching work, you can work from the following three aspects.
(1) do a good job of examination data analysis, carefully analyze the reasons for the unqualified students, and find out the coaches' short boards and weaknesses from the data;
(2) published teaching quality rankings for timely, high quality coaches, publicity the teaching quality of the "list" is certainly the best of them, to stimulate and maintain their sense of honor and responsibility, play their exemplary role, play a leading role in the he coaches, for the low pass rate the coaches, the teaching quality of the "list" as a mirror, can make them aware of their gap awake, to "sense of shame and then the effect of courage";
(3) increase the teaching quality of reward and punishment, "new rules" under the influence, appropriate to improve the teaching quality of the reward and punishment intensity is an important means to promote the improvement of teaching quality, it is recommended to increase the teaching of "master" award and implement the elimination system. In the bottom of the teaching quality list of coaches long, not only for driving to create efficiency, double loss will only give driving "economy" and "reputation". So, in order to driving most other interests of the employees could be eliminated, absolutely not be softhearted. To do so is to remind other coaches that they should not be conceited or backward, and must treat their work seriously.

To promote the formulation of new teaching methods
In theory, the driving school should be based on the syllabus, not the contents and methods of the driver's test. The syllabus includes the content of the examination, including the content of the exam, while the content and method of the driver's vehicle examination is only an examination


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