





起步:1、待发车员核对考生信息后,考生再上车,上车核对身份信息后,打取指纹,听到播报“通过验证本次考 试开始”下车,(此时开始计时,全程限时20分钟)面向车辆轻轻关好车门,从驾驶室开始往车尾逆时针绕车一周检查车辆外观,注意:绕至车前时要注意离车标 处的感应器近些并慢些,打开车门上车。2、系好安全带并用力向外拉一下确认锁好。(衣服扣好,不能遮挡安全带,女生应将长发扎好,露出额头和耳朵,不能戴 帽子和有色眼镜)3、踩紧离合器和刹车,检查空档后点火。4、调整座椅(调整座椅时应触摸到感应器,并观察显示器出现“座椅”两字。5、调整中后视和外后 视镜。(调整后视镜时应触摸到感应器,并观察感应器上的绿灯变为红灯)6、开启左转向灯。7、鸣喇叭。8、踩紧离合器和刹车。9、挂入一档。10、手刹放 到底。观察左后视注意后方来车后松开脚刹,匀速放完离合器起步,加油加档。(注意:加油时,油门不能过大,发动机转速不能超过3000转,一档速度必须达 到10km/h以上才能加二档;二档速度必须达到20km/h以上才能加三档)。选择合适路段将挡位加入到三档行驶,考试过程中必须要有一次以上使用到三 档。
Start: 1, after the train clerk checks the information of the examinee, the examinee gets on the car again, after the car checks the identity information, gets the fingerprint, hears the broadcast "through the test to begin" to get off. (at this time, the time time, the time limit time 20 minutes) gently closed the car door, starting from the driving room to the tail counter clockwise round the car for a week. Note: check the appearance of the vehicle, around to the front of the car to the attention from the past and some sensors logo slowly opened the door on the car. 2, fasten your seat belt and pull it outward to confirm the lock. (clothing is buckled, can not cover the safety belt, girls should be long hair ligation, exposing forehead and ears, not wearing hats and glasses) 3, tighten clutch and brake, check the gap after the ignition. 4, adjust the seat (adjust the seat should touch the inductor, and observe the display "seat" two words. 5, adjust the middle and posterior vision and the external view mirror. When adjusting the rear view mirror, we should touch the inductor and observe the green light on the inductor and turn it into a red light). 6, turn on the left turn signal. 7, honking the horn. 8, step on the clutch and brake. 9, hang in one file. 10, put the handbrake in the end. Observe the left rear view rear area, release the brake after the car, release the clutch at the same speed, and add the fuel to the gear. (Note: when refueling, the throttle can not be too large, engine speed can not exceed 3000 rotation, one gear speed must reach more than 10km/h to add second gear; second gear speed must be more than 20km/h to add third gear). Select the appropriate sections will be added to the gear driving gear, in the process of examination must have more than once used to third.
Through school: after listening to the broadcast, after passing through the school area, lightly brake on the brakes until it slows down obviously.
Turn left at the intersection: turn on the left turn light ahead of time. After hearing the "left turn" at the intersection, follow the brake lightly until it slows down obviously or stops to turn to the left.
Change lanes: after listening to the broadcast "change lane", turn on the steering lights, do not change lanes immediately, and change lanes in the original lane after more than 5 seconds. (it can be left to the right to change the road, which side change to turn on the turning light, after the change of the past can return to the road can not return to the road, if the back road also must flicker more than 3 seconds of the turning lamp, can use a file can also use the second gear.)
路口直行:注意观察路口红绿灯情况,听到播报“直行通过路口”后,如果是绿灯就踩刹车至明显减速即可通过, (如果是红灯或绿灯在闪烁了则踩刹车和离合器在停止线以前平稳停车,挂入一档等待绿灯亮后起步通过路口。)减至一档行驶。注意:路口内不能变道,不能越过 停止线停车,不能开启转向灯。起步时小心不要熄火,特别强调一下:考试中途不小心熄火了不要慌忙点火,踩紧离合器和刹车,将档杆退回到空挡后才能点火哦, 注意哈,每熄火一次扣10分,90分合格,不是空挡时点火将再扣100分。
Intersection straight: pay attention to the traffic lights at the intersection, hear the broadcast "straight through the intersection", if the green light on the brakes to the obvious deceleration can pass, (if the red light or green lights in the twinkling of the brake and clutch before the stop line stop, hang into a green light after the beginning of the crossing. ) down to one gear. Note: lane can not change lane, can not stop over the stop line, can not turn on the steering light. Take care not to flameout at the beginning, especially: do not be careful to ignite in the middle of the test, step on the clutch and brake, and return the rod back to the gap to ignite. Pay attention to ha, 10 points per time, 90 points, and 100 points when the ignition is not in neutral.
调头:提前开启左转向灯,听到播报“调头路段”后轻踩刹车至明显减速,慢转方向调头,调过来回正方向再踩刹 车减速以通过“危险路段”。注意不要压分界实线,注重讲一下:考试全程都不要长时间(不能超5秒)压分界线哈。在考场调头时通常打一圈方向即可实施调头, 而且这样转向灯也不会跳灭。
Turn the head: open the left turn light ahead of time, listen to the broadcast "head section" after the light step on the brake to the obvious deceleration, slow turn direction adjustment, adjust to return to the direction of the brake and then slow down to pass the "dangerous section". Don't pressure boundary lines to explain: the whole test is not a long time (not more than 5 seconds) on the line. In the examination room, usually turn around in the direction of a turn to turn the head, and the steering lamp will not go off.
Turn right at the intersection: turn on the right turn lights ahead of time. When you hear the broadcast "turn right at the intersection", lightly push on the brakes until you obviously slow down or turn to the right after stopping.
超车:提前进入慢车道,项目前提前开启左转向灯,提高车速至25km/h以上尽量控制在35km/h以下稳 住,听到播报“超车路段”后确认转向灯闪足3秒以上且后方安全后进入超车道,进入超车道走正后开启右转向灯,在超车道行驶30米以上距离且右转向灯闪足3 秒以上后观察后方确认安全驶回原车道。注意:在未播报项目或速度未提高到25km/h以上时方向一定要保持直线行驶状态,不能动方向,尤其不能向右转动方 向。
Overtaking: enter the slow lane ahead of time, open the left steering lamp before the project ahead of the project, improve the speed to more than 25km/h and control under 35km/h as far as possible. After hearing the "overtaking section", it is confirmed that the steering lamp flashes for more than 3 seconds and after the rear safety is entered, then the right turn light is opened after the overtaking road is entered, and 30 in the overtaking lane. After more than 3 meters away and right turn lights flashing for more than a second, observe the rear area and confirm that it is safe to drive back to the original lane. Note: when the project is not broadcast or the speed is not raised to more than 25km/h, the direction must be kept in a straight line, and the direction is not moved, especially in the right direction.
Meeting car: take the car forward in advance, can be in the slow lane or in the driveway. After hearing the "road section", the brake is lightly brakes to the obvious deceleration, and the brake is not loosed until the brake pedal is loosened after hearing the broadcast "please enter the next item".
Crosswalk: listen to the broadcast "after crossing the crosswalk line", lightly step on the brakes until it slows down obviously. Note: when crossing the crosswalk, no parking is allowed in the crosswalk area.
通过车站:听到播报“通过公共汽车站” 后轻踩刹车至明显减速后即可通过。
Through the station: after listening to the broadcast, after passing through the bus stop, the brakes are reduced to a significant deceleration and then passed.
直线行驶:提前将车走正,可以在慢车道也可以在行车道行驶,听到播报“直线行驶路段”后保持直线行驶状态, 直到听到播报“请进入下一个项目”。注意:方向盘修改的弧度不能大于4°夹角,速度不能大于30km/h。知识普及:我国的速度使用的是公制单位km /h.不是“迈”或“码”1迈=1.6km而1码=0.91m
Straight line: take the car forward in advance, can be in the slow lane also can drive in the lane, hear the "straight line" after the broadcast, keep the straight line, until the broadcast "please enter the next project." Note: the modification of the steering wheel should not exceed 4 degrees, and the speed should not be greater than 30km/h. Knowledge Popularization: the speed of our country is metric unit km /h., not "Mai" or "code", 1 Mai =1.6km, and 1 yards =0.91m.


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版权 © 陕西西安电动伸缩门厂 网址:jiaxiao.71ix.com  推荐:西安电动伸缩门,西安车牌识别系统,西安防火卷帘门
