Driving License Examination Process
考场入口处→身份验证后入场→在候考厅等候→观察公告屏提示信息→了解本人考试基本信息→根据公告屏公告信息导向→按地板所示的学员通道,前往本人所要考试的电子桩考库位 尽快找到身份鉴别点→面对鉴别镜头站好→考前验证拍照→上车检查车辆离合器、手刹,调整好驾驶座位、倒车镜→准备完毕,举手示意→按照91令尽快完成桩考的操作要求→考试完毕停车后,尽快按原学员通道,前往项目考试发车起点→验证身份后→登车,根据语音提示驾车驶入本人所分配的线路。(第二位考试的学员按上述要求在候考点候考)
Entrance to the examination room Entrance after authentication Waiting in the waiting room Observing the bulletin board prompt information Understanding the basic information of my examination Guiding by the bulletin board announcement information According to the student passage shown on the floor, go to the electronic stake examination room where I want to test and find the identification point as soon as possible Stand well in front of the identification lens Verify the photograph before the examination check the vehicle clutch and brake before boarding, adjust the driving seat, reverse mirror prepare, raise your hand complete the operation requirements of the pile examination as soon as possible according to order 91 stop after the examination, as soon as possible according to the original trainee channel, go to the starting point of the project examination verify identity boarding, according to voice. Indicate driving into my assigned route. (The second student is waiting for the test at the waiting point according to the above requirements)