





Back Pile Skills for Learning Vehicles
第一步:贴库 倒入乙库
Step 1: Put the store into the second store.
调整坐位,系好安全带,左脚踩离合器,踩到底,右脚踩刹车 轻踩,挂倒档,松手刹,轻抬离合器抬到半联动,调整好车速,头往右后方看1号杆和6号杆对齐时,方向往右打满 一圈半,当左后视镜出现3号杆时回正方向盘;当2号杆要出现在右挡风玻璃时迅速往右打满方向,直至车身进库与边线平行时,往左回正方向,头往后看,当后中杆 5号杆 与后挡风玻璃右下角基本重合时停车。
Adjust seating position, fasten seat belt, step on clutch with left foot, step on brake with right foot, slightly step on brake with right foot, hang reverse gear, loosen hand brake, lift clutch gently to half linkage, adjust speed, head back to right when pole 1 and pole 6 are aligned, make a full circle and a half in the direction, return to the steering wheel when pole 3 appears in left rear view mirror; The pole should appear in the right windshield and quickly hit full direction to the right until the car body is parallel to the side line, turn right to the left, look back, and stop when the pole No. 5 of the rear middle pole basically coincides with the lower right corner of the rear windshield.
Step 2: Move the storehouse into storehouse and retreat to storehouse A
1、进 挂1档,车辆启动时,往右打满方向 一圈半 ,当车头左前角对准前中杆 2号杆 时,迅速往左方向打满三圈,等车和库位平行时,往右方向回正,距中杆2号杆大约20cm处停车;
1. Put into gear 1, when the vehicle starts, make a full circle and a half in the right direction. When the front left corner of the vehicle is aligned with pole 2 of the front middle pole, make three full circles in the left direction quickly. When the car and the garage are parallel, turn right and stop about 20 cm away from pole 2 of the middle pole.
2、退 挂倒档,车启动时,往右方向打满,当车头左前角对准左边杆3号杆时,迅速将方向盘向左打到底三圏,车直时回正方向,并回头观察后中杆5号杆接近车尾时停车;
2. Back-hang and reverse gear. When the car starts, it is full in the right direction. When the front left corner of the car is aligned with pole 3 of the left pole, it will hit the steering wheel to the left to the end of the pole 3. When the car is straight, it will return to the right direction and stop when pole 5 of the middle pole approaches the rear of the car.
3、进 挂1档,车启动时,迅速向右打方向盘,当雨刮器中点对准右前边杆1号杆时,迅速向左打方向盘,当车头左前角对准左边杆3号杆时,迅速回方向盘并停车;
3. Put the steering wheel to the right when the car starts. Put the steering wheel to the left when the wiper points at the right front pole No. 1. When the front left corner of the car is at the left pole No. 3, return to the steering wheel and stop quickly.


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版权 © 陕西西安电动伸缩门厂 网址:jiaxiao.71ix.com  推荐:西安电动伸缩门,西安车牌识别系统,西安防火卷帘门
