So how is the driving license scoring cycle calculated?
框格护坡模具 箱体护坡模具 华尔街铜牛 电阻柜 接地电阻柜 电缆保护接地箱 隔离墩模具 化粪池模具周期。在一个记分周期内记分未达到12分,罚款在这个记分周期结束前已缴清的,下一记分周期开始时系统自动清零。尚有罚款未缴清的记分在下一记分周期不给予清零,下一记分周期开始后会在此基础上记分,以此类推,如果超过12分,那么就需要通过学习消除。
The scoring period is calculated from the date of obtaining the driving
license. If the driving license is obtained on November 4, November 4 is
a recording period, and November 3 of the next year is a scoring
period. If the score does not reach 12 in one scoring cycle and the fine
has been paid before the end of this scoring cycle, the system will
automatically clear it at the beginning of the next scoring cycle. If
there are still outstanding scores of fines, they will not be cleared in
the next scoring cycle. After the start of the next scoring cycle, they
will be scored on this basis, and so on. If they exceed 12 points, they
need to be eliminated through learning