





Safety instructions for use of retractable doors
1. When installing the electric retractable door, there must be a grounding wire. For the convenience of many users or installers of the retractable door, they usually do not connect the grounding wire, but only connect the live wire and the neutral wire of the power line. In this way, once the power line is broken due to aging, it is easy to be dangerous to contact the retractable door body. If there is a grounding wire, the leaked electricity will be unloaded to the ground, which will not cause much harm to the human body.
2. Install the leakage switch protection device, and add a leakage protector switch to the electric retractable door. When there is leakage, it will cut off the power supply actively, so that there will be no electric shock accidents caused by leakage (the leakage protector switch market generally costs tens to hundreds of dollars, users can add).
3、定期检查,最近长江中下保定网站建设  保定荆塘铺 伺服液位仪  防撞墙模具 唐山护栏  钢纤维 天津除甲醛  保定铝型材游(华中、华东、西南)区域进入雷暴雨及台风性季节气候,大部分城市被水灌溉,这时候要特别注意电源线接头地方、门排电源线是否有问题,尽量防止伸缩门被雨水浸泡。
3. Regularly check that the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River (central, eastern and southwestern China) have recently entered thunderstorm and typhoon seasonal climate, and most cities are irrigated by water. At this time, pay special attention to whether there is a problem with the power line connector and the power line of the gate truss, and try to prevent the expansion door from being soaked in rain


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版权 © 陕西西安电动伸缩门厂 网址:jiaxiao.71ix.com  推荐:西安电动伸缩门,西安车牌识别系统,西安防火卷帘门
