为什么驾校出来开什么车都好开? |
添加时间:2019/2/23 13:39:42 浏览次数: |
对于每个拿了驾照,正准备去看车的人来说,心里多少都在想一个问题:我只摸过教练车,和市场上卖的车,有什么区别呢?我在教练车练出来的操作方法,在一般车上有什么要改变的吗? For each take a driver's license, is ready to look at the people, how many hearts are thinking about a problem: I only touched the coach cars, and sold on the market of the car, what is the difference? What do I do when I coach the car? 教练车和一般市售车的区别 The difference between coach and general city car car 看上去差不多,实际上这区别真不小了。当然对于教练车本就是新捷达,新桑塔纳这些新型车出来的人来说,面对普通市售车的适应难度要低很多。但大部分人,教练车还是老一代的捷达桑塔纳,富康之类,从这些老车再接触现在的新车,还是有很多不一样的。 It looks similar. In fact, the difference is really small. Of course, this is the new coach for the car Jetta, Santana car out these new people, the face of the ordinary city car to much lower difficulty. But most people, coach cars or the old generation of Jetta, Santana, Beverly and so on, from these old cars and then contact with the new car, there are many different. 首先就是操作难度的不一样,即使同样是手动车型,市售车是不能只松开离合器车子就能往前走的,这么做带来的后果就是熄火。而教练车因为有较高的怠速,供油系统也做过针对性的调整,默认是可以直接松油门起步的,这是最容易察觉到的不同。 The first is the difficulty of the operation is not the same, even if the same is the manual model, car city is not only the car will be able to release the clutch to go forward, to do so is the consequences of extinction. Because of the higher idle speed of the coach, the fuel supply system has been adjusted accordingly. The default is that the throttle can be started directly, which is the most easily perceived difference. 其次,无论您购买的是AT还是MT的车,您都会发现,市售车比教练车好开太多了。很多教练车都是成批购买二手的老车,这些车在进入驾校之前已经有相当年头了,再加上在驾校的高强度使用,整台车的车况一般都很差。所以当您面对一台新车的时候,很容易就会高估了自己的实际能力。 Secondly, whether you buy AT or MT car, you will find that the city car than the coach car too much. Many coaches buy second-hand cars in batches, these cars have been in the driving school for quite a few years, coupled with the high intensity use in the driving school, the whole car is generally very poor condition. So when you face a new car, it's easy to overestimate your actual ability. 从驾校到道路 From driving school to road 但最大的区别还是在实际道路上对车子的控制能力。这是在驾校学不到的。驾校教的都是在指定路线上,用指定的方法进行指定的操作,完成指定的项目,一切都是指定的。但实际道路完全就不是那回事。 But the biggest difference is the ability to control cars on the road. This is what you can't learn in driving school. Driving schools are designated on the designated route, with the specified method of designated operations, complete the designated project, everything is specified. But the real road is not that. 在路上,你随时都要应对突如其来的,完全无法预料的状况,比如强行加塞的,一声不响直接切线的,面对这些,除了你必须要对车子本身有完全控制能力之外,对车子周边环境的感知能力也非常重要,这点也是驾校不教的。 On the way, you always have to deal with a sudden, completely unpredictable situation, such as forced gasser, without direct tangent, in the face of these, but you must have the ability to completely control the car itself, the surrounding environment perception is very important, this is also the school does not teach. 比如如何通过3个后视镜判断出你身后的车流到底是怎样的状况,什么时候应该切线,什么时候不能切。前车什么动作是什么意思,甚至对于旁边几条车道的车子动态,乃至路边会不会有突然冲出来的人或动物,这些都是需要高度集中注意力的。 For example, how to determine the traffic flow behind you by 3 rearview mirrors, when the line should be tangent, and when not cut. What does the front car mean, or even the car on the next lane, or even the person or animal that suddenly comes out of the road, which requires a high concentration of attention?. 驾校教会你的是什么 What does a driving school teach you? 实际上,驾校教会你的,只是怎样去让一台车跑起来,怎样实现对一台车最基本的控制,仅此而已。真正上路了,您才会发现要面对的状况有多复杂。实话说,每个新手车主,小事故小刮擦是一定会有的,但也不要太惊慌,只要您根据规则开车,一般来说是不会出什么事情的。 In fact, what the driving school teaches you is how to run a car and how to control the car, that's all. When you're on the road, you'll see how complex the situation is. To be honest, every novice car owner, small accident, small scratch is bound to have, but not too panic, as long as you drive according to the rules, in general, nothing will happen. |
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