驾照考试科目一考试流程 |
添加时间:2019/7/9 13:31:40 浏览次数: |
驾照考试科目一考试流程 Driving License Examination Subject-1 Examination Process 科目一考试总时间为45分钟,考试试卷由100道题目组成,题型为判断题和单项选择题,满分100分,90分合格。考试试卷由计算机驾驶人考试系统按《机动车驾驶证业务工作规范》规定的比例关系随机抽取、组合。 The total time of the first examination is 45 minutes. The examination paper consists of 100 questions. The questions are judgement questions and multiple choice questions. The full score is 100 points and 90 points are qualified. Examination papers are randomly selected and combined by the computer driver examination system according to the proportional relationship stipulated in the "Code for Business Work of Motor Vehicle Driving License". 1、听从工作人员安排,在待考场顺序领取本人学车档案; 1. Obey the arrangement of the staff and collect the files of my study car in the order of waiting for the examination room. 2、携带并出示本人身份证,接受监考民警审核; 2. Carry and show your ID card and accept the examination by the invigilator. 3、进入考试区域必须关闭手机; 3. Mobile phones must be turned off when entering the examination area. 4、进入考试区域不许大声喧哗; 4. No loud noise when entering the examination area. 5、法规课本不许带入考场(或放进包内); 5. The textbooks of laws and regulations are not allowed to be brought into the examination room (or put in the bag). 6、考试结束后,身份证本人收好保存,将档案交到考场前方《交证窗口》; 6. After the examination, I keep my ID card and hand in the file to the "window of the exchange" in front of the examination room. 7、考试及格的学员在考场出口在工作人员指导下签字后离开考场; 7. Those who pass the examination leave the examination room after signing at the exit of the examination room under the guidance of the staff. 8、考试不及格的学员,即可离开考场,听候所在驾校工作人员通知补考时间。 8. Those who fail the exam can leave the examination room and wait for the driver's school staff to notify the makeup time. 关于补考:科目一考试没有预约次数的限制。 About the make-up exam: there is no limit on the number of appointments for the first exam. |
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