驾考流程和报考条件 |
添加时间:2019/7/26 15:53:15 浏览次数: |
1 1 选驾校报名 Enroll in the driving school 货比三家,选择靠谱的驾校。不要一味地追求低价驾校,要多多考察驾校规模、训练场地、驾校教练以及收费是不是合理等综合因素。 More than three, choose the driver's driving school. Instead of blindly pursuing low driving schools, we should investigate more about driving school size, training grounds, driving coaches, and whether fees are reasonable or not. 2 2 体检 Physical examination 体检合格者,才可考驾照。要求:两眼视力或矫正视力达4.9以上;听力正常;无红绿色盲;四肢健全无运动功能障碍。 The driver's license can be tested by the qualified person. Requirements: binocular vision or corrected vision is over 4.9, hearing is normal, no red and green color blindness, no physical dysfunction of limbs. 3 3 科目一考试 Subject one exam 理论知识考试。参加培训(交通法规),培训完成以后就可以参加考试了。 The test of theoretical knowledge. Take part in training (traffic regulations), and after training, you can take the exam. 考试:试卷由100道题目组成,题型分为单选题和判断题,满分100分,90分及以上合格。考试时间为45分钟。 Examination: the test paper is composed of 100 questions. The questions are divided into single selected questions and judgmental questions. The full marks are 100 points, 90 points and above are qualified. The exam time is 45 minutes. 考试不合格者,可当场补考,补考仍不合格者,就需重新预约考试。科目一的考试次数没有限制。 Those who fail in the examination can make up the exam on the spot, and those who still fail to make up for examination will need to re make the appointment examination. There is no limit on the number of exams in one subject. 4 4 科目二考试 Subject two examination 五项必考:倒车入库、坡道定点停车与起步、直角转弯,曲线行驶,侧方位停车。培训学时完成后,方可预约考试。五个考试项目必须全部一次过关,考试才合格。 Five: compulsory reversing storage, designated parking ramp and start, turn curve, side parking. When the training time is completed, you can make an appointment for the exam. The five test items must pass all tests once, and the examination is qualified. 考试:考一补一。第一次考试不合格,可当即进行补考。补考仍不合格,就需重新预约参加考试。 Exam: take one for one. For the first time, the examination is unqualified, and the make-up examination can be done immediately. If the make-up examination is still not qualified, it will be necessary to make an appointment again for the examination. 5 5 科目三实际驾驶道路考试 Subject three actual driving road test 总共有16个考试项目,分别是:上车准备、灯光模拟考试、起步、直线行驶、加减挡位操作、变更车道、直行通过路口、路口左转弯、路口右转弯、通过人行道线、通过学校区域、通过公共汽车站、会车、超车、掉头、靠边停车。考试里程不得少于3公里。 There are 16 examination items in total, which are: boarding, lighting simulation, starting, straight line, block operation, changing lane, straight crossing, left turn at intersection, right turn at intersection, passing through sidewalks, passing through school area, passing bus station, meeting car, overtaking, turn, side parking. . The test mileage should not be less than 3 kilometers. 考试:考一补一。第一次考试不合格,可当即进行补考。补考仍不合格,就需重新预约参加考试。 Exam: take one for one. For the first time, the examination is unqualified, and the make-up examination can be done immediately. If the make-up examination is still not qualified, it will be necessary to make an appointment again for the examination. 6 6 科目三安全文明常识考试 Subject three safety civilization common sense examination 理论知识考试。科目三安全文明常识考试试卷由50道题目组成,有单选题、多选题、判断题,满分100分,90分及以上视为合格。考试时间为45分钟。 The test of theoretical knowledge. Subject three, safety and civility test paper is made up of 50 questions. There are single choice questions, multiple choice questions, and test questions. The full score is 100 points, 90 points and above are qualified. The exam time is 45 minutes. 科目四考试次数是没有限制的,即在驾驶技能证明有效期内,考试合格就行。 Subject four, there is no limit to the number of examinations. That is to say, in the period of validity of driving skills, the examination is eligible. |
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