交通法规定不允许学车的情况有以下几个: |
添加时间:2019/9/4 14:03:51 浏览次数: |
交通法规定不允许学车的情况有以下几个: There are several situations in which the traffic law does not allow students to study cars: 1. 有器质性心脏病、癫痫病、美尼尔氏症、眩晕症、癔病、震颤麻痹、精神病、痴呆以及影响肢体活动的神经系统疾病等妨碍安全驾驶疾病的; 1. Having organic heart disease, epilepsy, Meniere's disease, vertigo, hysteria, tremor paralysis, psychosis, dementia and nervous system diseases affecting limb activities, which hinder safe driving; 2. 吸食、注射毒品、长期服用依赖性精神药品成瘾尚未戒除的; 2. Addiction to drugs, injections and long-term dependence on psychotropic drugs has not been eliminated; 3. 吊销机动车驾驶证未满二年的; 3. Withdrawal of motor vehicle driving license for less than two years; 4. 造成交通事故后逃逸被吊销机动车驾驶证的; 4. If the driver's license of a motor vehicle is revoked after causing a traffic accident; 5. 驾驶许可依法被撤销未满三年的; 5. If the driving license has been revoked for less than three years according to law; 6. 法律、行政法规规定的其他情形。 6. Other circumstances prescribed by laws and administrative regulations. |
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