值得记下来的驾车注意事项 |
添加时间:2021/7/15 8:56:50 浏览次数: |
一、混行窄路减少超车次数。这是在混行路面行车保证安全的基本前提,因为每一次的超车都可能涉及借道逆行,而每一次的借道逆行都会带来事故的风险。所以,当行驶混行窄路时,要尽量走自己这边的路,减少超车次数,预防事故的发生。 1、 Mix narrow roads to reduce overtaking times. This is the basic premise to ensure the safety of driving on mixed roads, because every overtaking may involve retrograde, and every retrograde will bring the risk of accidents. Therefore, when driving on mixed narrow roads, we should try our best to go our own way to reduce the number of overtaking and prevent accidents. 二、越线超车巧妙利用“灯语”。当你计划越线超车而对面又有车来时,只要路面足够宽,在确保超车时不会造成与对方交汇的前提下,在打左转弯灯开始超车的同时,可以先变换远近光提示对面来车,之后迅速打一下右转向灯,此举的目的是提醒对方注意你,你的意图只是超车并无恶意,然后迅速加速超越前车并驶回原车道。 2、 Overtaking over the line skillfully uses the "light language". When you plan to overtake and there is another car coming from the opposite side, as long as the road is wide enough, on the premise of ensuring that there will be no intersection with the other side when overtaking, you can change the far and near light to prompt the opposite car, and then quickly turn the right turn light to remind the other side to pay attention to you. Your intention is to overtake without malice, Then accelerate quickly to overtake the car in front and drive back to the original lane. 三、善于利用远光灯的警示作用。白天超车或对面来车有危险动作时,很多车在不做任何警示的情况下,从你旁边“嗖”的一声无声超越。此时如果被超车由于某种原因稍微变换一下车道,那将是十分危险的!而如果超车驾驶员在超越前用灯光提醒一下被超车前车,那安全性就会大大提升。 3、 Good at using the warning function of high beam. In the daytime, when overtaking or dangerous action of the opposite car occurs, many cars "swish" silently from next to you without any warning. At this time, if overtaken for some reason slightly change the lane, it will be very dangerous! If the overtaking driver uses the light to remind the overtaking driver before overtaking, the safety will be greatly improved. 四、不要刻意的追求“礼让三先”。礼让属于驾驶文明,但不是处处时时都适用。行车中为了保证安全,而是应该做到当让则让,条件不允许绝不让。事实证明,在一些特殊交通状况下,抢道也是为了安全。例如,当你的位置正好处在一辆车后面不具备超车条件时,而你的后车有超车动机,此时如果礼让,你将处于三台车构成的三角形中最危险的一角上,并给其他车辆带来不安全因素。此时就应果断地打左转弯灯迅速占住超车道,阻止后车超车,等超车条件允许后再行让行。 4、 Do not deliberately pursue "comity, three first". Comity belongs to driving civilization, but it is not always applicable. In order to ensure safety during driving, we should give way when the conditions are not allowed. Facts have proved that in some special traffic conditions, rush to the road is also for safety. For example, when you are in the right position behind a car and do not have the conditions to overtake, and your car behind you has the motive to overtake, if you are courteous, you will be in the most dangerous corner of the triangle composed of three cars, which will bring insecurity to other vehicles. At this time, we should decisively turn left and quickly occupy the overtaking lane to prevent the rear car from overtaking. 五、车上常备“兴奋剂”。这里所说的“兴奋剂”扭王块模具 高铁遮板模具 阶梯护坡模具 拱形护坡模具 卵形槽模具 保定室内设计培训 保定平面设计培训并不是违禁品,而是诸如:茶水、咖啡、水果、薄荷糖、碳酸饮料等一些平常的小零食。准确的说,车上常备这些小零食的目的不是为了“充饥”,而是为了“解困”。当你经过长时间驾驶发生困倦而又无法实现及时停车休息时,这些小零食就会派上大用场,缓解困倦状况,确保你安全抵达下一个服务区或停车区,有效避免疲劳驾驶事故的发生。 5、 The car is always equipped with stimulants. The "stimulants" mentioned here are not contraband, but ordinary snacks such as tea, coffee, fruit, peppermint, carbonated drinks, etc. To be exact, the purpose of keeping these snacks on the bus is not to "satisfy hunger", but to "solve difficulties". When you are tired after driving for a long time and can't stop to have a rest in time, these snacks will be used to relieve the drowsiness, ensure you arrive at the next service area or parking area safely, and effectively avoid the occurrence of fatigue driving accidents. |
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