考驾照的报名体检 |
添加时间:2021/8/24 9:02:13 浏览次数: |
考驾照的报名体检 Registration and physical examination for driver's license 由学校统一填写学车申请表之后,办理体检手续。学车体检内容包括: After the school fills in the learning car application form, it will go through the physical examination procedures. The contents of physical examination include:扭王块模具 高铁遮板模具 阶梯护坡模具 拱形护坡模具 卵形槽模具 保定室内设计培训 保定平面设计培训 1.身高:申请大型客车、牵引车、城市公交车、大型货车、无轨电车准驾车型的,身高为155厘米以上。申请中型客车准驾车型的,身高为150厘米以上; 1. Height: those who apply for permitted driving models of large buses, tractors, urban buses, large trucks and trolleybuses shall be more than 155 cm tall. Those who apply for permission to drive medium-sized passenger cars shall be more than 150 cm tall; 2.视力:申请大型客车、牵引车、城市公交车、中型客车、大型货车、无轨电车或者有轨电车准驾车型的,两眼裸视力或者矫正视力达到对数视力表5.0以上。申请其他准驾车型的,两眼裸视力或者矫正视力达到对数视力表4.9以上; 2. Eyesight: those who apply for the permitted driving models of large buses, tractors, city buses, medium-sized buses, large trucks, trolleybuses or trams shall have their naked or corrected eyesight of more than 5.0 on the logarithmic eyesight chart. If applying for other permitted driving models, the naked or corrected visual acuity of both eyes shall reach more than 4.9 on the logarithmic visual acuity chart; 3.辨色力:无红绿色盲; 3. Color discrimination: no red and green color blindness; 4.听力:两耳分别距音叉50厘米能辨别声源方向; 4. Hearing: both ears are 50cm away from the tuning fork, and can distinguish the direction of sound source; 5.上肢:双手拇指健全,每只手其他手指必须有三指健全,肢体和手指运动功能正常; 5. Upper limbs: the thumbs of both hands are sound, the other fingers of each hand must have three sound fingers, and the movement functions of limbs and fingers are normal; 6.下肢:运动功能正常。申请驾驶手动挡汽车,下肢不等长度不得大于5厘米。申请驾驶自动挡汽车,右下肢应当健全; 6. Lower limbs: normal motor function. When applying for driving a manual transmission vehicle, the length of lower limbs shall not be greater than 5cm. When applying for driving an automatic transmission vehicle, the right lower limb shall be sound; 7.躯干、颈部:无运动功能障碍。 7. Trunk and neck: no motor dysfunction. |
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