理论考试流程: |
添加时间:2019/6/6 15:50:58 浏览次数: |
理论考试流程: Theoretical examination process: 1,收到预约成功的信息以后,注意核实考试时间和考场名字。(注意:市区理论考场是欣欣路考场;无故迟到半小时以上将会被按缺考处理) 1, after receiving the information of the successful appointment, pay attention to the examination time and the name of the examination room. (Note: the city is thriving road test of the theory examination; late more than half an hour will be absent treatment) 2,到达理论考场后注意整个考试过程分四个步骤: 2, after arriving at the theoretical examination room, we should pay attention to the whole process of examination in four steps: 一、在候考大厅入口处刷身份证领顺序号,然后找座位坐好候考。 First, at the entrance of the Hou exam hall, brush the order number of identity card, and then find a seat to sit in the exam. 考试入口 Entrance examination 刷身份证领顺序号 The order number of the brush identity card 候考区 Waiting area 二、在考场工作人员组织下分场次观看考前告知视频(法律告知、进入考区后学员如何操作等)。 二、在考场工作人员组织下分场次观看考前告知视频(法律告知、进入考区后学员如何操作等)。 观看考前告知 Watch the prior notice 二、按照顺序号进入待考室分配考台。 Two, in accordance with the order number into the waiting room allocation from taiwan. 顺序号显示屏 Sequence number display 待考室 Waiting room 分配考台号 Distribution test number 身份证检查 Identification of ID card 二、按照分配的考台号码进入考区考试。(注意:要严格按照告知视频要求操作,否则将影响自己的成绩) Two, in accordance with the distribution of the Taiwan number into its test. (Note: it is necessary to operate strictly in accordance with the requirements of the informing video, otherwise it will affect your performance.) 对号入座 Accordingly. 五、考试结束提交试卷记住分数就可以离开考区了。 Five, end of the examination to submit papers can leave the test scores to remember. 出口 Exit |
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