驾校报考年龄 |
添加时间:2019/10/14 14:34:01 浏览次数: |
驾校报考年龄 Age of driving school entrance examination 1、申请小型汽车、小型自动挡汽车、残疾人专用小型自动挡载客汽车、轻便摩托车准驾车型的,在18周岁以上、70周岁以下; 1. Applicants for quasi-driving models of small automobiles, small automatic gearing cars, small automatic gearing buses and mopeds for the disabled shall be over 18 years old and under 70 years old. 2、申请低速载货汽车、三轮汽车、普通三轮摩托车、普通二轮摩托车或者轮式自行机械车准驾车型的,在18周岁以上,60周岁以下; 2. Applicants for quasi-driving models of low-speed trucks, tricycles, ordinary tricycles, ordinary second-wheel motorcycles or wheeled self-propelled mechanical vehicles shall be over 18 years old and under 60 years old. 3、申请城市公交车、大型货车、无轨电车或者有轨电车准驾车型的,在20周岁以上,50周岁以下; 3. Applicants for quasi-driving models of urban buses, large trucks, trolley buses or trams shall be over 20 years old and under 50 years old. 4、申请中型客车准驾车型的,在21周岁以上,50周岁以下; 4. Those who apply for quasi-driving medium-sized buses shall be over 21 years old and under 50 years old. 5、申请牵引车准驾车型的,在24周岁以上,50周岁以下; 5. Applicants for quasi-driving tractor models shall be over 24 years old and under 50 years old. 6、申请大型客车准驾车型的,在26周岁以上,50周岁以下 6. Applicants for quasi-driving large-scale buses shall be over 26 years old and under 50 years old. |
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