学车考驾照流程 |
添加时间:2019/10/26 16:08:29 浏览次数: |
学车多长时间可以拿到驾照呢?这是很多准备学车以及刚报完名的小伙伴们最关心的话题。报名的学员我们会给您制定一份学车计划,轻松掌握学车时间合理安排考试计划。今天,就和大家说说学车多长时间可以拿驾照。 How long can you get a driver's license for a school car? This is the most concerned topic for many young friends who are preparing to learn cars and just finished their names. We will make a learning plan for you. You can easily master the time of studying and arrange the examination plan. Today, I would like to talk about how long a learner can take a driving license. 首先要注意的是,本地户口的学员可直接携带身份证来我校报名,外地户口的学员需提供身份证和暂住证,所以,为节省时间没有居住证的学员请提前在所在的社区办理好暂住证。 The first thing to note is that the students of the local registered permanent residence can directly carry ID card to our school, and the students in the field are required to provide ID card and temporary residence permit. So, in order to save time, the students who have no residence permit are requested to do a good temporary residence permit in the community in advance. 报完名后,由驾校统一安排,免费接送体检(体检的学员请携带好您的身份证、暂住证) After the completion of the registration, the driver's school shall be arranged in a unified way, and the physical examination will be delivered free of charge. 报完名,体检合格后,还需要来校面签,学员会在24小时内收到短信。档案送去车管所受理完就可预约科目一考试,科目一通过10天后即可预约科目二; After the completion of the examination, it is necessary to sign the school's face after the physical examination is qualified, and the students will receive text messages within 24 hours. The file is sent to the vehicle management department to complete the examination, and the subjects can be booked two days after 10 days. 一般情况下科目一与科目三间隔时间为30天。 Generally speaking, the interval between subjects and subjects is three days, 30 days. 从科目一考试通过当天开始计算,30天左右才可预约科目三安全文明驾驶的考试(通常所说的科目四);科目三考试通过后即可预约科目三安全文明驾驶的考试。如果考试顺利,最快40天左右就可以拿到驾照哦。 From the day of the exam to the day to start the calculation, 30 days or so before you can make an appointment of three safe and civilized driving test (usually four of the subject); subject three examination can be reserved after the exam three safe and civilized driving test. If the exam is successful, the driver's license will be available in about 40 days. |
上一页 驾驶证通常列明持有人可驾驶的机动车辆种类 |
下一页 驾校报考年龄 |
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